In this section, you can set app monetization. The section that helps with mobile app monetization consists of sections: Interstitial, Splash screen, AdMob, Facebook.
Interstitial ads appear on the transition between activities in your app. Since they really grab the user’s attention, they are much more effective than banner ads and generally pay more as well – but you don’t want to show them too frequently.
In this section of app monetization, you can choose ad run frequency (set time between interstitials). For the Hobbyist and the Pro packages, the minimum equals two minutes, for the Ultra package — 30 seconds.
In the Splash screen section, you can install a splash screen to your app. It only makes sense if you have ad networks integrated with your app. That is why you need to set monetization from at least one ad network first. It can be rather AdMob or Facebook Ads Network.
The Delay time is where you set the duration of a splash screen.
Choose its basic color — black or white.
You can also upload your custom splash screen. To do this, untick the “Use predefined screen”, and upload your splash screen.
You can also set a loader size (this is a spinning circle that represents a loading process) and set its coordinates on a screen.
The AdMob category allows you to set AdMob in your app. You need to register in AdMob, wait till your account is approved, and add your app there. After it, you can take the required AdMob keys and add them to corresponding fields in the builder.
Mark the checkbox Admob banner ads if you want to run static banners in your app. Paste AdMob banner keys in the AdMob ad unit ID (banner) field.
Mark the checkbox Admob interstitial ads if you want to run static banners in your app. Paste AdMob banner keys in the AdMob ad unit ID (interstitial) field.
Mark the checkbox Admob native ads if you want to run static banners in your app. Paste AdMob banner keys in the AdMob ad unit ID (native) field.
The AdMob app ID is a required key for any of the ad run types here.
The Facebook section allows you to install Facebook ads in your app. First, you have to register at Facebook Ads Network and add your app there. Copy keys for banners, interstitials, or native ads, and paste them into corresponding fields at home.
Mark the checkbox Facebook banner ads if you want to run static banners in your app. Paste Facebook banner keys in the Facebook placement ID (banner) field.
Mark the checkbox Facebook interstitial ads if you want to run static banners in your app. Paste Facebook banner keys in the Facebook placement ID (interstitial) field.
Mark the checkbox Facebook native ads if you want to run static banners in your app. Paste Facebook banner keys in the Facebook placement ID (native) field.