Admob/Facebook bidding tutorial

Case Study

If you’re new to Audience Network

  1. Create a new placement in Monetization Manager. Copy the placement ID for the next steps.
  2. Add a new Facebook Open Bidding entry in your mediation group using the placement ID.
  3. Add a waterfall entry in the mediation group using the same placement ID.

Follow major steps at the Admob side settings*

*You need to read and implement all steps before ‘’Using rewarded ads’’chapter.

After you implement ‘’Bidding’’ settings, don’t miss ‘’Waterfall’’ settings, when
following the tutorial:

What you have to do at the Andromo builder

Add your Admob banner and interstitial keys to Monetization:

Add your Facebook banner and interstitial keys to Monetization:

Turn on Admob Facebook bidding:

Turn on Admob for banners and interstitials in the Ads section at the activity level: