PDF document page setup



PDF document activity is an app feature that allows you to upload .pdf documents. Your PDF document will be opened external to your app (existence of Adobe Reader app is recommended).

To build a PDF reader app, open the Components section on the left part of the builder, expand the Media category, and choose the PDF.

After you have added a PDF viewer to your application, you can start uploading PDF documents from the left side of the preview.

Click the “Browse files” button, select files you need, and make a bulk upload (a few files together instead of uploading them one by one) from a defined folder on your laptop.

You can also make group actions with files uploaded to your PDF reader apk:

  • Select all (to highlight each document you have uploaded);
  • Deselect all (to deselect all documents you have uploaded);
  • Move to top (to move selected file to the top of a file group);
  • Move to bottom (to move selected file to the bottom of a file group);
  • Delete (to delete highlighted files).

You can customize your PDF document activity in the right part of the builder.


Basic settings of the chosen activity.


Here, you have an URL of this particular activity. You can later use it for cross-linking among other app activities (for example, a custom page).

In this section, you can change the title of your PDF document activity, add a subtitle and a description to it. This will help users navigate through your app.

You can also add a search bar to your PDF document activity, which allows users to search in the app.


If you have previously set a monetization option to your app, you may or may not include a static banner in your PDF document activity (tick if you want to display ads in this activity).

You can also choose an advertising network for this banner — AdMob or Facebook Ads.


If you have previously set a monetization option to your app, you may or may not include interstitial ads in your PDF document activity (tick if you want to display ads in this activity).

You can also choose an advertising network for this interstitial — AdMob or Facebook Ads.


A visual representation of your activity.


The navigation drawer is a clickable icon in the left upper corner of your dashboard, that opens a list of all app’s features and helps users navigate through your app.

Here, you can set some navigation drawer’s parameters:

  • Show activity in drawer (to make this activity seen on activities list);
  • Show activity icon (to make an activity image seen on the list);
  • Show activity subtitle (to make a subtitle seen on activities list);
  • Add divider after activity (for the activity’s title to be divided from other titles by horizontal underlining).


The app bar is an upper line with the activity’s name on your app’s dashboard.

App bar leading section lets you choose what to depict on the app bar:

  • Show back button (for making it possible to go back to the previous screen);
  • Show drawer icon (for a drawer icon to be seen);
  • Show nothing (for hiding the elements from the app bar).

You also have extra app bar settings here to tick:

  • Show title in app bar (for your PDF activity’s name to be seen);
  • Use app bar background image (for uploading and adjusting a background image for your activity’s app bar);
  • Use custom app bar theme (tick this section to choose title’s color, font, and font’s size).


This section defines how this activity’s icon will be shown on the app dashboard.

In ‘’Look’’ section, you can choose the symbol which will represent your activity on general app’s dashboard:

  • Show card (for displaying this category as a card);
  • As list item (for showing an activity name only);
  • As list item with icon (for choosing an icon);
  • As list item with image (for showing an activity name with an image);
  • As column item (for showing an activity name centered in the column);
  • As column item with icon (for showing an activity name with an icon centered in the column);
  • As column item with image (for showing an activity name with an image centered in the column).

Also, you can use a custom size of activity icon, or set parameters regarding a quantity of columns, rows. You will also need to set column and rows sizes at the activity’s group level (list or carousel), as well as at the Dashboard level (left side of dashboard settings).

Tick the Use custom styling and set the icon’s parameters:

  • Spacing (offset from the sides);
  • Radius (icon’s shape);
  • Fonts, color, and size of an icon’s title;
  • colors (of a card border, card background, and card title background).

You can turn on the Icon setting, so that the icon will appear on the activity card.

Tick the Use background image – Browse images to upload and set the icon’s background picture.


This section helps you set an interface for your activity.

Tick the Use background image for activity if you want to upload your picture as a background image inside the activity.

Add the image with the Browse image button. The file should be an image.

The PDF activity itself also has a settings image (a gear). You can add ads there, hide, duplicate, or delete the activity.